A Raw Carrot Salad for Women's Hormone Health
May 13, 2022
If you're new around here, welcome! I'm a menstrual health expert and hormone ND. I have helped thousands of women welcome in healthy periods and balanced hormones with my program Period Reboot! Be sure to hop on the waiting list so you're notified the next time the doors open!
A carrot a day keeps the doctor away!?
I am obsessed with my daily raw carrot salads. Researched by Dr. Ray Peat, this can be a helpful tool on the hormone and gut healing journey.
A study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that, “Two hundred grams of raw carrot eaten at breakfast each day for 3 weeks significantly reduced serum cholesterol by 11%, increased fecal bile acid and fat excretion by 50%, and modestly increased stool weight by 25%. This suggests an associated change in bacterial flora or metabolism. The changes in serum cholesterol, fecal bile acids, and fat persisted 3 weeks after stopping treatment”. How cool is that?!
Why raw carrots?
Raw carrots have an indigestible fiber in them that support intestinal health. It may also help prevent estrogen from being reabsorbed by the gut during the detoxification process (all estrogen goes through the liver and gut!) This fiber may help bind and carry estrogen out of the system, support a healthy gut transit time and support overall hormone balance. Especially if you’re matching the symptoms of too much estrogen it may be worth trying 🥕
Common Symptoms of Excess Estrogen:
- weight changes
- irritability
- bloat
- heavy or long periods
- fibroids
- migraines
- pain while having a bowel movement
Especially when paired in this raw carrot salad with quality salt, coconut oil (or olive oil) and a touch of apple cider vinegar, this becomes a delicious and easy way to support your system! With the carrots, it’s easy to simply peel or ribbon your carrot into long strips into a bowl 🙂
My students in Period Reboot are obsessed with this daily tool and I am too! I literally crave it most days now also 😍
Raw Carrot Salad Recipe:
- 1-2 whole carrots, rinsed and unpeeled
- 1 tsp coconut oil (or olive oil)
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- quality salt, to taste
Shred or grate carrots and mix with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!
Sensitive to beta carotene? I recommend rinsing the carrot shreds until the water runs clear to remove excess beta carotene. Then add the oil + vinegar + salt and enjoy.
Want to spice things up?? Try these variations!
- A touch of raw local honey for sweetness
- A dash of cayenne or red pepper flakes for heat
Can you prep the salad ahead of time?
Absolutely! I get it, life can get busy and shredding carrots everyday may not be ideal. You can pre-shred (or grate) a bunch of carrots and store in water in the fridge for up to one week. You can also premix a batch of the “dressing” so that when you are ready to eat all you have to do is take a portion of the grated carrots out, rinse and add the dressing! 😍
*Note we do suggest storing raw carrots and dressing separately until eating so that the carrots do not become denatured.
Will this one thing heal your hormones? Probably not alone! But alongside nourishing foods, metabolically supportive meals, mineral balance and a root cause based approach, we can transform our health (that’s what Period Reboot is allllll about!)
If you suspect excess estrogen (or any hormone imbalances) doing the DUTCH test is a comprehensive way to gather the data and a test I utilize often with my clients.
Learn how to work with me here
You don't have to feel in the dark about your symptoms anymore and if your doctor is saying "NO" when you request hormone testing, please know there are options! If you're ready to get to the root of what's going on, check out my Work With Me page to learn how to begin this journey of support, nourishment and hormone balance.
If your hormones feel off, they probably are! So don't brush it off and assume everything is "normal" when you feel anything but. xx
Dr. Cassandra