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10 Signs Your Hormones are Happy and Healthy

hormone health Sep 22, 2021
signs of hormone balance in women and holistic options to balance

If you're new around here, welcome! I'm a ND and menstrual health expert and have helped thousands of women welcome in healthy periods and balanced hormones with my program Period Reboot! Let me know if you check the boxes on these 10 signs and if not, I'm here to help!


Do your hormones feel vibrant, balanced and energized? If not, let’s chat!

While many women struggle with exhaustion, irregular periods, bloating, acne, anovulatory menstrual cycles and severe PMS... they all have a common thread. 

They often trace back to your hormones! 

Your hormones are chemical messengers in your body and they play a role in almost every vital function in the body. So when your hormones feel off... well so can everything else! 


Let's talk about the signs of OPTIMAL hormone health. Even if these sound like far off distant dreams, stay with me. I'll also talk about what could be the culprit behind signs of imbalance!


10 Signs Your Hormones are Happy and Healthy


1) You have regular periods that are minimally painful and under 7 days

Your menstrual cycle is considered your fifth vital sign, and this means your period can be used as a gauge for your overall health. Periods that are intensely painful, super inconsistent or loooong and heavy are all signs that something needs support. These very concerns are what I teach about and provide solutions for in Period Reboot!


2) You wake up feeling energized in the morning

If you're crawling to the coffee maker, we need to talk! Cortisol is supposed to start surging within 30 minutes of waking, but if it's not you may feel groggy, exhausted and tired. Other hormones like your thyroid can also play into your energy. You should feel well rested, energized and vibrant in the morning!


3) You have a balanced mood for the most part

If your mood changes are causing a rift in your relationship or you feel like PMS is getting you down, you're not alone! PMS can be attributed to low progesterone or simply an imbalanced ratio between progesterone and cortisol. Keep in mind if you are NOT ovulating... you cannot make progesterone! My PMS workshop deep dives into the relationship between progesterone, ovulation and a happy mood. 


4) You ovulate every month

Unless you're on hormonal birth control, you should be ovulating every month! Ovulation is a general sign of good health. Stress, under eating, extreme exercise routines and hormone imbalances can all turn off this vital function. While that may not seem like a bad thing if you don't want to have kids, the act of ovulation is HOW your body makes hormones. So if you're struggling with hormone imbalance symptoms, first things first we must ask - are you ovulating?? 


5) You would consider your metabolism healthy

If you feel like your weight is stable, your mind is clear and you have plenty of energy to do everything you need to each day, you may have a healthy metabolism!

Signs of an imbalanced metabolism include sluggish weight, irregular periods, sugar cravings, bloat, brain fog and more.


6) You have ENERGY

Your energy should carry you through the day and then gently decline with your cortisol as the evening approaches. If you need a coffee or a nap in the afternoon to make it through, your stress hormones or thyroid could be to blame. The good news is: you CAN help your body feel more energized and start to shift into healthy hormone patterns. 


7) You sleep great

When you crawl into bed at night, are you falling asleep with ease? Do you sleep restfully? Are you waking up refreshed? If not, we need to address your hormones. While quick fixes like melatonin capsules or valerian may come up in your google search, the fix may lie in what your hormone patterns show. If cortisol is spiking in the evening when it's not supposed to, you won't want to go to bed! And if your liver is bogged down, you may be waking up throughout the night. 


8) You have healthy hair and nails

If your nails and hair feel strong and healthy, you're looking good! Brittle nails and thinning hair can be signs of high androgens like testosterone or general mineral deficiencies. Your hormones NEED hormones to function! (and that's a whole module in Period Reboot!)


9) You libido is feeling good

Everyone has a different norm when it comes to libido, but a healthy desire throughout the month is a general sign of balance. Your libido and production of healthy cervical mucus is an indicator of balanced hormones, so if the zest has dried up it's time to investigate deeper.


10) Your skin is clear and healthy

Your skin is a reflection of your internal world. Acne can be a sign of a number of things and CAN be supported to welcome in happy glowy skin. Here's a student of mine who did just that below! 


My Instagram DMs and emails are filled with questions like...
What should I do about estrogen dominance?
My cortisol is high! What do I do!?
My doc says progesterone is low. Can you help me?
What do my symptoms mean?! 
How do I fix my hormones? 


Those very questions are why I created Period Reboot! It's the simple step by step guide to going from hormone SOS to hormone harmony!


In Period Reboot I teach you how to confirm IF you are ovulating, how to understand your symptoms and also offer discounted hormone testing as needed. You don't have to feel alone anymore or told "birth control is the only option!" 


Let me know how many signs of hormone health you have on Instagram!

Do you have a hormone imbalance? Take my FREE quiz!

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