Symptoms to Never Ignore with your Period
Jan 10, 2022
If you're new around here, welcome! I'm a menstrual health expert and ND. I have helped thousands of women welcome in healthy periods and balanced hormones with my program Period Reboot! Be sure to hop on the waiting list so you're notified the next time the doors open!
The sad truth is that while many of us have experienced extreme symptoms with our periods, most of us have also been told to brush them off as "normal" or even worse, "just part of being a woman."
Because severe period symptoms have been so normalized, many women walk through life dealing with debilitating symptoms - not knowing it does not have to be this way.
Part of my work as a menstrual cycle expert and ND is to help demystify these misconceptions about menstrual health and shed light on the lack of education most women are given about their bodies.
Because if we do not understand our bodies, know what is normal or have a sense of awareness about our menstrual cycle... how can we be advocates for ourselves and know when to seek help?
Today, we're talking about the biggest period symptoms that you should not ignore and may indicate it's time to see a doctor or expert practitioner.
A big reminder - if you don't feel your doctor is hearing you, supporting you or acknowledging your concerns, it's time to find a new doctor! There are many incredible OBGYNs that will support you and seek to get to the root of your symptoms with hormone testing. Many women also seek out the advice of a Naturopathic Doctor or Integrative Doctor to dive deeper and have someone on your side working to address your symptoms.
Symptoms to Never Ignore with your Period
1) Extremely heavy periods
Bleeding through a tampon every 90 minutes? Or having to change your menstrual cup in the night to avoid leaking everywhere? These could be signs your period is considered heavy!
Heavy periods are often associated with an imbalance with the hormone estrogen. Excess estrogen can be the culprit behind excessive bleeding, period pain and even long cycle lengths. It's important to think of estrogen like a bath tub - how much is coming in through the faucet and is the drain open or plugged up?
Estrogens can come into the system from our environment - plastics, body care products, sanitary products, hormonal birth control and even some kitchenware. Too much coming in can ultimately overload the system.
But we also have to think about the drain. If our liver and gut are congested (or we only have a bowl movement once or twice a week!), estrogen can also get backed up in the body with nowhere to go.
It's always a powerful module in Period Reboot when we go through all of the hormones, what drives them to go high or low and also how to address them at the root!
2) Debilitating pain with your period
If period pain leaves you in bed for days at a time, this must be addressed! Period pain, while normalized, is not normal. Mild discomfort during your period may be normal, but writhing in pain in bed is absolutely not.
While birth control is often the main suggestion for period pain, we know this does not address the underlying reason of WHY is pain present.
Prostaglandins are often to blame. Prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract to expel menstrual blood. Too many though can cause more severe cramps to occur. Prostaglandins are often influenced by inflammation, which is why we have such an emphasis on inflammation and natural period pain solutions in Period Reboot.
Period pain could also be a sign of endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when endometrium grows in places it shouldn't outside of the uterus and can be a common cause of extreme period pain. This will need to be diagnosed with a doctor and natural solutions do exist.
3) Missing periods
I remember thinking I'd hit the jackpot as a teenager because I was lucky to get only one period every six months or so. As I approached my 20s though, I soon realized this wasn't necessarily a good thing.
Missing periods, or amenorrhea, are often categorized by having not had a period for at least 3 months. This can be caused by birth control, coming off of birth control, a low body weight, too much exercise, malnourishment, eating disorders and other factors.
Missing periods are not truly missing periods, but instead missed ovulation. If ovulation is not happening, periods may disappear so a holistic doctor like myself really never says "where is your period?!" but instead always asks "what is going on with ovulation?"
Students in Period Reboot learn how to determine IF they are ovulating (whether they have regular periods or not) and also the step by step approach to get their period back. It CAN be done!
4) Periods coming every 2 - 3 weeks
I've worked with a number of women over the years who literally bled for 7-10 days a month and then had a short week before their next period started again. This has to be the epitome of misery!
Investigating into why this is happening is key. For some women, it happens because ovulation is not happening. For others, it can indicate the luteal phase is far too short and we must look at hormone levels to determine why this is happening.
I believe all symptoms are a sign of something else, and this is why I love doing DUTCH hormone tests (Dried Urine Test of Comprehensive Hormones) so we can really see what is going on with progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, melatonin and more!
5) Periods that last more than 7 days consistently
In my practice, I observe healthy periods to be between 3 and 6 days with minimal pain and minimal symptoms. If a woman is bleeding for more than 7 days, careful steps are taken to encourage her cycle length to decrease.
Estrogen can be a common hormone running the show in this instance. Too much estrogen is associated with very heavy periods or very long periods so running a DUTCH test is a wise choice.
Other tools like red raspberry leaf tea, reducing inflammatory oils in the diet and addressing stress levels though can also make a huge difference in cycle length!
Isn't it interesting to see all the things we likely were taught are "normal" in a different light? I think it's incredible to understand that periods and menstrual cycles really should be gentle, graceful and simple - not hellish and miserable.
Did any of these check a box for you? If so, you deserve to be supported with a practitioner! Many women choose to work with their primary doctor while enrolled in Period Reboot so they know what hormone tests to ask for, what lifestyle tools can make a world of difference and also how to be their own investigators and understand what their symptoms are really telling them.
The dozens and dozens of testimonials on the page speak for themselves! Hundreds of women have been able to get to the root of their symptoms with Period Reboot and create lasting change.
The doors to Period Reboot only open a few times a year, so be sure to get on the waiting list so you never miss the announcement!
If you loved this post, be sure to post it to your social media and tag me @menstruationqueen!