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My Tempdrop Review - What does a cycle expert think?

reviews Sep 08, 2021
temp drop review by Cassandra wilder menstruation queen period expert

I was intrigued to try Tempdrop when I first heard about it in 2020. I finally decided to purchase it late last year so I could know firsthand if it was a tool I'd recommend to my clients and students! Here's my professional opinion on Tempdrop after using it personally for almost a year. Read to the bottom for an exclusive discount too if you decide to try it!



Being a ND and menstrual cycle expert, I know how important it is to track your ovulation data. I've been a huge proponent of this for years and have taught thousands of women how to track their basal body temperatures (BBT) and cervical mucus to confirm their fertile zone.

While what we can gather from a woman's temperatures each morning is invaluable, it's not always easy to do! I personally struggled for years with taking my oral temperature every day - it just wasn't easy for me to remember to do first thing upon waking! 


Here's a cool fact: temperatures have more insights than just confirming ovulation. A cycle expert like myself can also gauge your thyroid health, progesterone levels and stress levels just from looking at your chart! Pretty amazing, right? 


I think that's what especially intrigued me about Tempdrop - the fact that you simply wear it on your upper arm each night and then in the morning simply sync the data to your phone! The ease of it sounded incredible. 

I started using my Tempdrop around the Christmas of 2020. I simply pulled it out of the box, read through the instructions and was giddy excited that night to try it out! I slid it up onto my upper arm with the sensor near my armpit, held down the button until it started blinking green and went to sleep. 

I was incredibly excited the next morning, because unlike with oral thermometers, you DO NOT have to wake up at the exact same time every morning with Tempdrop. This makes it exceptional for moms, shift workers and really anyone who doesn't want to set an alarm for the exact same time every day!

I want to share four specific reasons I really like my Tempdrop and why I see so much success with it with my students in Period Reboot!


4 Reasons I DO Recommend Tempdrop as a Cycle Expert


1) It makes cycle tracking doable 

One of the most important components to menstrual health and hormone health is the act of ovulation. When women join my period and hormone program Period Reboot, this is one of the first things they learn - how to cycle track and hopefully confirm ovulation. Because if you're not ovulating, that may very well be WHY your cycle and hormones feel off. 

Because the Tempdrop makes it so easy to track (literally just put it on before bed!), most students have great success in getting accurate temperatures every single day. We can then review their charts and really get to the root of their symptoms without guessing or trying to use their scattered data from taking their oral temps sporadically. 


2) It's empowering

To finally see your own data and temperatures every single day is such an empowering feeling. And when we combine that with support to help you read your own chart and see IF you're ovulating, if you're making progesterone, how your thyroid is doing etc. - you finally feel empowered and ready to take action with your health. 


3) It's comfortable

I'm often asked if it's weird to sleep with, but I honestly don't even notice it. I find it to be light, comfortable and almost completely unnoticeable.


4) It's perfect for women who get interrupted sleep in the night

With oral thermometers not only are you supposed to wake up at the same time every morning, but you're also supposed to have at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep before waking and taking your temperature. Many of my students are moms and cannot guarantee that their little one won't be up in the night. Tempdrop takes your temperatures through the night, so it takes away this common worry with cycle tracking. 


As the @MenstruationQueen on Instagram and an expert in women's cyclical health, Tempdrop definitely gets my stamp of approval! 

Using Tempdrop has been an incredible time saver for me and the ease of use is just beyond any oral thermometer for cycle tracking. I personally highly recommend using it - especially if you haven't had the most luck with cycle tracking otherwise. 

You can purchase a Tempdrop here with 12% off with code "CASSWILDER"

As I mentioned earlier, cycle tracking is ESSENTIAL if you want to get to the root of your period symptoms or hormone imbalances. If you're not ovulating, that can be the root behind all sorts of less than lovely symptoms. 

This is why I teach cycle tracking at length during Week One of Period Reboot - because from there, we can target to your specific body and help you welcome in healthy periods and balanced hormones! You can get on the list to join Period Reboot here!

Are you going to try cycle tracking? If so, send me a message on Instagram so I can celebrate you!

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